Database management systems: types and operation

Database management controls enterprise data throughout its lifecycle. As an organization's activity increases, so does the amount of data it handles, making database management systems (DBMS) essential tools for business growth. Discover all the features of a good data base management system.

Information is the most valuable asset a company can have. Data is everything at the moment; all types of information, text, images or numbers, which can be organized in databases, are considered to be in this category. To keep these under control, database management systems (DBMS) come into play, also known by the acronym DBMS, which stands for Data Base Management System. Today we are going to learn all about these key tools in business development. Let's go!

What is database management?

Database management is the set of actions performed to control all business data during its lifecycle. There are several methods employed within these management tasks.

With this management process, the operation of database management systems (DBMS) is monitored. It is necessary to check that all tools are working perfectly during the process so that adjustments can be made when necessary. Having backup copies of all data, monitoring that the storage capacity limit is not reached or organizing the data in the most practical way are some of the tasks associated with database management.

Why is it important for companies?

As time goes by, organizations accumulate more and more data. In a few months they can accumulate millions of them. For all these reasons, the existence of databases has become very necessary. Thanks to the management of databases, it is possible to help companies to make better decisions, aimed at increasing the company's profits. The data, the big data, become assets with great value.

To manage databases, it is necessary to have the right professionals who are experts in big data. Some of the profiles that companies are requesting the most to manage databases are data scientist, data analyst or Business Intelligence Analyst.

What is a database management system?

A database management system, which you can also find named DBMS or DBMS, is a system that allows you to manage databases and also the software or programs used to access them.

These systems work by means of system commands, which are the ones that allow users to interact with them and manage to create new data, update them or delete them in a definitive way. In other words, they function as an interface between users and databases.

Types of DBMS

Database management systems, or Data Base Management Systems, can be divided from several perspectives, the main ones being according to the data model, the number of users or sites.

If we look at the types of DBMS according to the data model we can find:

The types of DBMS according to the number of users are divided into:

As for the types of data management systems according to the number of sites we find:

How does database management work?

In database management systems, files are organized according to some pre-established conditions, in a way that allows a clear order of data and avoids errors and duplications. Access to these files is only allowed to specific users, people authorized by the company who can edit and modify the data. The system always has the latest data in its storage.

This storage must meet specific security and recovery conditions, in case of any alteration that could compromise the security of the data.

How to work with a DBMS?

At this point, you may find it impossible to understand about DBMSs. Don't worry. If you are interested in the world of databases, at UNIR FP we have the best training for you to become an expert.

In our FP Degree in Networked Computer Systems Administration (Asir) we dedicate a module of 100 hours to database management.

How to choose your database manager?

When choosing the best database management system for an organization, several factors must be taken into account. The first thing to assess is its ease of use, whether it is intuitive and accessible, but also the security it provides over the data. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the forms of access it provides, the visualization of the data and the support it offers. Finally, the cost to the company must always be evaluated.

Remember that a database management system is a powerful tool that provides the services needed to create and control databases. This is the reason why organizations need to have a reliable manager, with controlled access and where large volumes of information are secure.